  • The Odd Get Even
  • The Odd Get Even

Album Preview

Album number five from The Odd Get Even is entitled Nonverbal Behaviors and was released on July 18, 2022. Check it out!

Who Are These Guys Anyway?

The Odd Get Even is a collaboration between keyboardist Bill Cornish who lives in Chicago and drummer Bill Ray who lives in Seattle.

The song composition process is an unusual one. All songs start out as improvised drum tracks by Ray around which Cornish fleshes out the details and provided a compositional framework. There is an organic nature to all of this that lends itself to some pretty cool arrangements.

The general philosophy is to play the drum track like a hole of golf; "play it like it lays" with no nips/tucks but sometimes a small trim or loop is necessary for continuity. In any event, the inspiration is there in the original drum improvisation. If ever there were truly music "created from the drums up" it would be this project.

The result is an energetic and unique blend of styles full of creative twists and turns. Better than your favorite energy drink (and without the crash).Think Weather Report meets Garaj Mahal meets Niacin and Headhunters-era Herbie Hancock. Or maybe vintage Jeff Beck (well, okay, without the guitars) meets vintage Jean-Luc Ponty (well, okay, without the violin).

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